Walleye Fishing the Columbia River 04/15/2023
The Fishers Catch Outfitters crew launched out of Boardman Oregon this day at 6 am with returning clients Doug Quay and crew. Today was a special day on the water as it was Doug’s Birthday. We wanted to make sure he had a great day out on the water with friends and took some walleye home for the fryer. Well we managed to make it happen and have a fabulous time on the water.Here are some pictures of todays outing fishing walleye on the Columbia river. If you are looking to try your hand at Columbia River walleye get in on booking now for spring and summer of 2023 and November thru August for 2024. Contact us here at FCO Fishers Catch Outfitters at 509.727.7137. We look forward to fishing with you soon.