Walleye fishing on the Columbia River 04/25/2023
It was a beautiful day on the Columbia river walleye fishing. Today we went out of Irrigon Oregon and ran down river to a nice area holding fish. It was a quick bite this morning for Kevin and Danae as we had a sack full of walleye in just a couple hours. Once we had the keepers we wanted to take home we set out on the search for some bigger fish. We managed to catch a few larger males, kept a couple for the grill. If you are wanting to get out on the Columbia River and do some walleye fishing, we are ready for you! Here are todays pictures of our outing fishing walleye on the Columbia river. Lets get you and you booked for your Columbia River walleye fishing. Booking now for spring and summer of 2023 and November thru August for 2024. Contact us here at FCO Fishers Catch Outfitters at 509.727.7137. We look forward to fishing with you soon.