April 6th Youth Turkey Hunt
WOW, what a hunt the Fishers Catch Outfitters crew had!! It was a great opening day for Miles and I. We managed to harvest a nice mature Tom and this would be the first long beard Miles has harvested. This was a hunt to remember and one that will never be forgotten. We started the day working and area that had some nice birds around. We could not find one that wanted to play that morning so we headed out to see if we could get one to play. We managed to get on a group of hens that were talking back and pretty excited. We set up with the mind set of getting the hens to come check things out hoping there was a Tom tagging along. After about 30 minutes of working the birds we managed to get 5 hens to come through a small clearing. Not knowing what was ext to come we stayed still and quiet, then a nice Tom with one more hen decided to join the party. Once Miles got an eye on it he maneuvered into position and waited for the shot he was looking for. He managed to make a perfect shot at 45 yards, and harvested his first long beard!!