Columbia River Winter Walleye 03/14/2023
Today is the first day Montana Bob has got to fish with us since his back surgery. Based on todays performance he is in good shape and ready to get back to walleye fishing. This is day one of a three day run for Bob. It started out a little rough with us blowing a wheel bearing on the Les Schwab boat. With that said we called into action Fishers Catch Outfitters pro guide Steve. He showed up with his sled and we set out in search of some walleye for the gang. Well we kind of already knew where they were so bang bang we got them. Here at some pictures from the guys trip. If you are looking to try your hand at one of these monster Columbia River walleye get in on booking now for 2024. Contyact us here at FCO Fishers Catch Outfitters at 509.727.7137