December Mule Deer Hunt
With Christmas fast approaching Miles and I took a day to go see if we could harvest his first ever deer. This is a time a father will always remember. We were invited to my friends farm for a depredation tag hunt. We spent the day looking for a nice deer to harvest in a range we thought Miles would be comfortable with. The fist deer we seen was 300 yards, with Miles only shooting the rifle a handful of time (even with the shots being perfect) we thought we would pass for now and if we needed to would come back for it. We managed to slip up on another one at the range of 175 yards, but could not get the shot off do to other deer in the way of a clean shot. With he day going on and lunch approaching we managed to locate 3 nice deer on a side hill at the range of 264 yards. With a good amount of time to get stable and set up the shooting sticks we decided this would be the deer Miles would take the shot at. Once stable and nerves have calmed he places a perfect shot and harvested the deer with a clean kill shot. One shot!!!