April 6 Walleye
With the fog rolling in and making it hard to navigate the waters, the Fishers Catch Outfitters crew and 2 clients set out for a day of great Walleye fishing on the Columbia River. The morning seemed to be challenging with not much over 25-40 feet of visibility up until 10:00 am. We did seem to find some walleye and stay on them. We finished the day jigging up a few more and got them a stack of great eating walleye. Fishers Catch Outfitters promotes the release of any Walleye over 24″ and we also do our best to only take 10 fish from the system per angler. If you are looking for a great day of fun on the water to relax and catch fish, give us our your local guide a call. Bent Rods and Tight lines!