Miss Tri Cities Auction 2017

With Miss Tri-Cities in just 13 hours from the time we left the dock, The Fishers Catch Outfitters crew had to get on some fish quick. With the auction winners of the 2017 fishing trip we set out to get multiple fish for the little anglers on The Les Schwab boat. We started the morning trying to get some first time sturgeon and with a few hours of fishing and moving around to locate them we managed to find a couple. Once we got the Sturgeon landed a couple pictures and set back to grow up, we moved to Shad. With he kids ready to do some catching and reeling the Shad bite was still hot would doubles, triples and even a quad…….The boys managed to lift 30 shad into he Les Schwab boat we held on toe a few for sturgeon bait and let the other go. With and hour left before we had to trailer the sled and get to Miss Tri-Cities we went and got on some walleye. What a fun day of fishing.

Here is the Morning:

Here is the Evening Congratulations Lacey: