Fishers Catch Outfitters Fishing Report
Upper Columbia Brewster Sockeye 07/23/2024
We are in full swing of Brewster Sockeye and the fishing this year is absolutely amazing and off the hook. Pro Guide Pete has been putting limit after limit in the boat for out clients. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137. Its time lets fish so lets get you out fishing!
Columbia River Sturgeon Fishing 07/22/2024
It was a day back on the Sturgeon grounds with another great group of people. Today the sturgeon wanted to play and we got after them. We did not land any giants but landed 18 beautiful fish. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137. Its time lets fish so lets get you out fishing!
Columbia River salmon and walleye fishing 07/21/2024
It was an awesome day on the water today with all three boats hitting the water and putting all clients on loads of fish. Tony was chasing walleye during the day with Dan and Mrs. B, while Pete was chasing sockeye in the Brewster pool. We didn't stop there Pro Guide Steve hit the water that night to put clients on night walleyes. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137. Its time lets fish so lets get you out fishing!
Night Walleye Fishing 07/20/2024 Columbia River
It was another night on the Columbia chasing walleye with Pro Guide Steve. Tonight walleye bit was a good one and the clients had a great time boating some quality eater and some ne personal bests. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137. Its time lets fish so lets get you out fishing!
Columbia RIver Night Time Walleye Action 07/19/2024
It was another night of walleye fishing for us here at FCO. We are trying to beat the hot hot days and do some cooler night fishing and the bite is good. The fish are playing and the clients are having fun. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137. Its time lets fish so lets get you out fishing!
Night Time Walleye Columbia River Fishing 07/18/2024
It was a night of walleye fishing for Pro Guide Steve and crew. Steve got it done for the clients tonight and the smiles were out. The walleye were looking to play and the catching was good. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137. Its time lets fish so lets get you out fishing!
Columbia and Snake River walleye fishing 07/17/2024
What a great couple days for Jimmy and Rebecca, they came in from northern Idaho to chase walleye day and night. What a fun couple days of fishing. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137. Its time lets fish so lets get you out fishing!
Upper Columbia Brewster Pool Sockeye Fishing 07/16/2024
Pro Guide Pete is back on them in the Brewster Pool before he heads back home for a few days. It was another day of limits for Pete and Guest before he hits the road. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137. Its time lets fish so lets get you out fishing!
Upper Columbia Brewster Pool Salmon Fishing 07/15/2024
It was another day on the Brewster Pool for Pro Guide Pete chasing down Sockeye salmon. Lots of fish have made their way up the Columbia to Brewster Washington ready to head to Canada, but before they do Pete is there to catch his clients limits of them. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137. Its time lets fish so lets get you out fishing!