Fishing Reports2024-06-02T13:37:42+00:00

Fishers Catch Outfitters Fishing Report

Walleye Fishing the Columbia River 6/27/2026

It was another great day for the FCO Pro Guide Steve on the Columbia River chasing walleye with returning clients Ansolabehere Family. These folks are always fun to have on the boat and slay fish with. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137

Columbia River Walleye Fishing 06/26/2023

Fishers Catch Outfitters Pro Guide Steve had Robison family on the Fishers Catch outfitters Ua Local 598 boat today in search of some great Columbia River Walleye. They managed to get on them early and put plenty of fish in the boat for the kids. They got back off the water before the heat of the day hit. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137

Columbia River Sturgeon Fishing 06/25/2023

Today we spent the day catch and release sturgeon fishing with Will and his girlfriend, Gave the walleye a little break and had a day of reeling in river monsters. The fishing has been great and we have been launching out or Irrigon Oregon early to try and beat a little bit of the heat. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137

Columbia River Walleye Fishing 06/24/2023

We launched out of Irrigon Oregon this morning at 6am to beat a little bit of the heat and catch the good morning walleye bite. We have been starting our days with trolling crank baits and them transferring over to bottom bouncers in the afternoon when needed. Today we have returning Wisemen family. They boys had a great time reeling in plenty of walleye and a few big small mouth. lots of fish action for the family today. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137

Columbia River Walleye fishing 06/22/2023

Fishers Catch Outfitters Pro Guide Steve had a walleye day on the water with return clients from Wenatchee Fishing Forum. It was another great day for the folks that made the trip to fish with us here at FCO. Lots of fishing action and plenty of fun for all! Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137

Columbia River Walleye fishing day 2 with Montana Bob 06/21/2023

It was day 2 with Montana Bob and guest. We set out of Irrigon Oregon at 6am to get that early morning walleye bite and try to beast some of the heat. It was another great day of fishing with plenty of fishing action. The walleye wanted to play this morning and we managed to get plenty of walleye quick. Even with no limits on this stretch of the Columbia River we do not harvest more that each person needs. We managed to get them the walleye they wanted so we hit the fun fast action Shad fishing as they have never caught shad. We managed to get 40 of them to the boat in about 1.5 hours fun day of fishing for sure. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to [...]

Columbia River Walleye fishing 06/20/2023 Les Schwab Boat

It was another day of hot walleye fishing on the Columbia River for the Fishers Catch Outfitters crew. We launched out of Irrigon Oregon with Montana Bob on the boat for the next couple days. Todays trip was a great bite, as it has been for most of this season. We managed to crank up plenty of fish for everyone on the boat. They all went home with a nice one gallon bag of walleye fillets. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137

Columbia River Sturgeon Fishing Pro Guide Steve 6/20/2023

It was a day for Pro Guide Steve to put the clints on some Columbia River Sturgeon. It was a quick half day trip on the water for the Ua Local 598 Fishers Catch Outfitters boat. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure 509.727.7137

Columbia River Walleye fishing 06/19/2023

June continues to be a great walleye producing month here on the Columbia River out of Irrigon Oregon. The bite continues to be hot with the walleye responding to crank baits and worm harnesses. It is a great month to get you and your friends out on the water and get some of these great eating fish in the freezer. Here are some picture's from todays adventure. If you are looking for a day on the water get in touch with us here at Fishers Catch Outfitters we would love to get you out on the water for a fun fishing adventure

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